A final note to our travel companions

To Max and Mia-Rose, 

In case you ever come across this blog - and I really hope you do stumble upon it in future - here are some final words from us to thank you for everything you have done to make this trip so special...

Our big boy

Travelling with you is like travelling with a friend. How many parents can say that about their three year old? Sure, you're only little - you test boundaries, and patience at times - but you are funny, clever, kind, and simply the best company one could ask for. We love who you are at your core - you think before jumping in head first; you are curious, sensitive, thoughtful. Yet these last few weeks we have watched you climb to new heights, chat to strangers in the three words of Spanish you now know, try new foods and take in everything that's going on around you. You're beginning to understand just how big and varied this world is, and that it can be yours for the taking. It's a privilege to experience it all through your eyes and to hold your clammy little hand as we explore the world together.

Our baby girl 

To know you is to love you. It really is as simple as that. You come along for the ride - whether that's in the buggy, the baby carrier, or crawling from A to B while Max chases you around. This trip wasn't "for you" but you were at the centre of it all. With you, everything deserves a round of applause and no amount of cuddles will ever be enough. You can make us laugh and tear our hair out in the same breath and the way you search the room for Max until your eyes fix on him is the most precious thing. Watching you smile and wave at strangers, marvel at the colours and shapes of new places, take in new tastes and smells was a huge and a perfect part of this trip for us. You are cemented for eternity in my memory as being carried from city to city in my arms, eyes wide and curious, clutching each other as we took it all in. 

We want to give you both the world and all the adventures that we can, and we love you with all that we are xxx

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